Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Bury the hatchet

I don’t know much about Mark Driscoll’s ministry. I moved out of state before he became famous and Mars Hill church became such a looming presence.

On the one hand, I respect the fact that he successfully founded a conservative megachurch in the lair of the beast. King County is a very hostile environment for the Gospel. I also respect the fact that he reaches a demographic niche that others don’t. 

On the other hand, I recently skimmed through some juicey quotes by a couple of bloggers which sound like he’s gone off the deep end (e.g. “Pornographic Divination”). It would certainly be unfortunate if he self-destructed.

From what I can tell, many of his critics lack firsthand knowledge of Driscoll and his ministry. Mind you, since he has a lot of stuff in the public domain, that’s fair game.

In addition, he’s bound to attract haters who can’t stand his theology. So it’s hard to achieve a balanced assessment.

But here’s a potentially useful evaluation: 

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