Thursday, December 01, 2005

Pinocchio Armstrong


Steve Hays said it was only me who has been subject to such spoofs. But James White has been compoaring Catholic Answers, Karl Keating, Jimmy Akin, Pat Madrid and others to Jack Chick's level of "argument" for many years now. White did a caricature of Pat Madrid in which he was being stoned as an idolater. Examples are legion. I've documented many of them myself.


No, that’s not what Steve Hays said. What Steve Hays said was:


As to his allegation that these hoaxes are inspired by the “usual anti-Catholicism,” I think this charge is demonstrably false, for were it true, “anti-Catholic” hoaxers would be hoaxing every major Catholic epologist as Narcissistic.


I’m waiting for Dave to document the "legion" examples in which every major Catholic epologist is satirized as Narcissistic. So far he hasn’t come up with a single counterexample to my original claim--much less a pattern.

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